Best in Public Cloud &
Cyber Resilience Services

Digiswitch Optimizes the Public Cloud & provides Best Cyber Resilience Services to Partners & Customers.

Technology Distributor & XaaS Provider

– 1st company to provide Public Cloud based Endpoint Backup in India.
– 1st company to manage and provide datacenter application availability of entire State Governments on Public Cloud.
– Oldest Technical Value Add Distributor for Carbonite Inc.

Products in our Distribution Baskets

Carbonite: Applica)on High Availability & Migra)on, Cloud backup
Webroot Inc – DNS /Web Protec)on, HTTPS filtering for roaming
Vembu Inc – On Premise Agentless Backup (Esxi+ Hypervisor) Tape
MailStore GmbH – Email Archival -Safeguard for Email Compliance
with reliable Email Archive
KOFAX Inc Power PDF: Create, Convert, Edit, Share and e-sign PDF

Offerings in our Distribution Portfolio

– Disaster Recover as Services:
– Migra)on as a Service:
– Email Archival as Services:
– Cloud Backup as a Service for laptops and desktops as well as for cri)cal Server data:
– Mul)-cloud Manage services: Azure, GCP and Oracle cloud.

Let’s Secure
Your Data With Us

Trusted Clients have Secured Our Data

Become a part of our 2K+ Trusted Cutomer and help to Secure the future Cloud.