Success Stories

Mid-size Pharma company
Digiswitch Migrate Case Study for SAP R3 from legacy on premise DC to public cloud Azure.
Customer Profile
- Manufacture of allopathic pharmaceuticals- include Vaccines, Formulations, R & D.
- 5 Datacenters, 800+ employees
- 5000+ channels
- Data size in petabyte
The Challenge
- SAP R3 Applications were running on obsolete Physical hardware and Infra.
- Downtime for company was un -affordable, and same time keeping Application up and secure was prime challenge.
The Solution
- Relies on Carbonite to perform downtime-Intolerant migrations.
- From Local DC to Azure.
- Post migration established additional DR setup of key application from different geolocation of Azure itself for legal compliances and uptime
The Impact /Results
- Carbonite Availability performs comprehensive self-checks and automatically issues alerts to an admin
- Customer’s business applications migrated to Azure without the risk of data loss.
- DR compliances achieved by keeping the critical server HA
Says About Digiswitch / Customer Review
“Carbonite Availability and migration worked wonder for us. We were surprised to find that our SAP R3 three tier applications ECC6 were spinning from Azure cloud seamlessly without any downtime for our users spread geographically. We saved millions by discarding or local DC that required Servers and storage upgrade”
Musical Instrument Manufacturing Company
Carbonite Availability and Migrate Case Study
Customer Profile
- Charlotte-based IT solutions provider
- 40 Datacenters, 1,000+ employees
- 4,200+ customers
- Huge amount of Data size
The Challenge
- Incomplete replication testing
- Lack of reporting notifications, could take weeks to discover an issue
- Manual migrations that took hours to days to complete
The Solution
- Relies on Carbonite to perform downtime-intolerant migrations
- Requires an HA/DR solution for heterogeneous environments that delivers unmatched uptime
- Carbonite Availability is used to enable DR solutions. It offers customers as well as for its own internal HA/DR needs.
The Impact /Results
- Carbonite Availability based automation, alerting and reporting
- No Downtime of critical business applications throughout the migration without the risk of data loss
Says About Digiswitch /Customer Review
“Carbonite Availability works with so many different platforms and is hardware agnostic. Our front-line users talk about its ease of use and its ability to make migrations seamless.”
– VP of Product Management
Global SI deliver Datacentre migration
Digiswitch Migrate Case Study for cross continent complex Datacenter migrations.
Customer Profile
- Swiss multinational, chemicals and biotechnology company, headquartered in Basel.
- More than 1200 server migration to Azure including AD and critical business apps.
- Europe Data centre to Azure cloud in USA.
The Challenge
- Legacy Win 2008 based applications
- AD separation from parent to child
- Global users
- Unsupported OS on Azure
The Solution
- Cross continent Wan Migration
The Impact /Results
- Carbonite Availability performs comprehensive self-checks and automatically issues alerts to an admin
- Digiswitch Professional services team help setup the migration platform
- Non template based Azure VMs created
Says About Digiswitch / Customer Review
“ Digiswitch team worked awesome!!! We were able to deliver the complete project on time. Thank you team Digiswitch” – Hosting and Managed Services Lead based out of Singapore
State Datacenter
Digiswitch Disaster Recovery and Availability Case Study
Customer Profile
- 500 Business critical applications
- 600 Servers including Physical and Virtual environment
The Challenge
- Mandate to be prepared with the Business Continuity Plan
- Out of support Windows Servers
- Legacy Linux based applications
The Solution
- Carbonite Availability for continuous replication
- Requires an HA/DR solution for heterogeneous environments that delivers unmatched uptime
- Carbonite Availability for incredibly fast failovers, DR Testing and Drills
The Impact /Results
- Carbonite Availability based automation, alerting and reporting
- No Downtime of critical business applications throughout the migration without the risk of data loss
- Automatic failover with server heartbeat monitor
Says About Digiswitch / Customer Review
“Remarkable job done by Digiswitch team to consolidate and provide business continuity for our complex environment”– Project Lead